Sunday, September 24, 2017

A take on "Seven Pounds"

When a man tragically loses his most loved possession, he becomes a donor machine, giving more than most people cannot live without. After sitting through a longer than life viewing of his story, I thought to myself ‘It really can end just like that.’

The moments that rip us apart, the days that tear at the soul, months that suck the juice of our joy, it is at these times which we find our truest character defined. In our joy, claiming victory is almost a joke. Not that we are not grateful. Don’t misinterpret the language of joy. Yes, we are most thankful for those moments which are not credits on our souls. Those are the moments where we say thanks with the loudest exclamations and proclaim life the greatest gift of all with the most ease. It is then that rejoicing is our daily attitude and strength is an of course backbone. Our pillars cannot be crumbled. We are ready to fly, not worried about our lack of wings. The feelings of the moment convince us of our false invincibility. We truly can do and conquer anything because we are at the pinnacle of contentment, despite the once-in-awhile minor speed-bumps to remind us to slow down, that danger lies ahead.

When do we truly see our reflection? When is our inner self most revealed? When we are faced with what we don’t want. When you are given what you want, the universe and you are in accord, unified to your content. When life takes away your toolbox and you are told to build, then your true abilities come forth. You must dig deep into the reservoirs of self creating devices and telling tales that have never been written. It is here that a true hero is made. A hero that is unsung, unrecognized, and unknown. The moments where everything crumbles and you are left standing, that is the defining time. Standing in the dark where no eyes behold your fate but deep down you know the depth of this deep, dark hole you are falling down. You are Alice in Wonderland falling down a rabbit hole where everything is upside down. With everything going opposite of yourself, what will you do? Do you press on with that vision, that dream, that burning passion and flame which keeps you awake at night and drives you to your feet each morning? Do you? When there’s nothing to hold onto, what do you do?

I saw this man give up pieces of his life. I saw this man give of himself after he lost everything. I saw him see his reflection in the mirror and unknowingly decide that he would be an unsung hero. I saw him reflect and decide that it was in the darkest moments that his greatest attributes would shine forth. I saw him driven by his passion despite the prison of his situation. There, I thought to myself, is a hero. It was not just about overcoming what appeared to be insurmountable and impossible obstacles to the world. It is about living beyond ourselves, living past the moment to the unseen. A hero is a hero because they tell the story of faith, belief, and character. They tell us that we can overcome the impossible. They tell us of a forlorn happy ending to our miserable tale. In that happy ending is not a champagne accolade but a person made. And that is how many heroes go unsung, we miss the happy ending because we see no wine bottles popping. The villain appears victorious in his unchanged state. But the hero is unseen after being transformed from mundane happiness into ultimate dignity. After pressing on past the seen into the unseen, the hero becomes lost from sight.

Defining character is telling a story that has not yet happened because in that story we don’t know the end but we strike forth to live past the impossible.


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